My photo

Aliaksandr Fiarsovich

I am an energetic, ambitious person who has developed a mature and responsible approach to any task that I undertake, or situation that I am presented with.

About me

  • Date of birth: 26.11.1982
  • Gender: Male
  • Nationality: Belarusian



Language skills

Mother tongues

  • Russian
  • Belarusian

Other languages

  • English (B2)
  • Polish (B2)


Brest State Technical University

Engineer in Information Technologies
01.09.2000 - 30.06.2005

Work experience


Center for implementation of scientific and technical developments
Web programmer
Website development and support (, Digital infrastructure support.
Brest, Belarus

Code example


class mail
    static $data_charset = 'UTF-8';
    static $send_charset = 'UTF-8';
    static $name = 'test.bypl';
    static $email = '';

    static function mime_header_encode($str)
        if (self::$data_charset != self::$send_charset) {
            $str = iconv(self::$data_charset, self::$send_charset, $str);
        return '=?' . self::$send_charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($str) . '?=';

    static function send($email_to, $subject, $body, $html = FALSE)
        $to = $email_to;
        $subject = self::mime_header_encode($subject);
        $from = self::mime_header_encode(self::$name) . self::$email;
        if (self::$data_charset != self::$send_charset) {
            $body = iconv(self::$data_charset, self::$send_charset, $body);
        $headers = "From: $from\r\n";
        $type = ($html) ? 'html' : 'plain';
        $headers .= "Content-type: text/$type; charset=" . self::$send_charset . "\r\n";
        $headers .= "Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n";
        return mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);


PHP, SQL, jQuery, JavaScript, Pascal, HTML 5, Ajax, CSS (SASS, LESS).

WordPress, PhpStorm, MySQL, Unix Linux und Unix Shell, Git, Apache, Nginx, Adobe Dreamwaver, Adobe Photoshop, MAMPP, Navicat.